ChickCam Project
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, Egg Farmers of Nova Scotia, Chicken Farmers of Nova Scotia and Nova Scotia Webcams in a new program for elementary school students; the ChickCam project.
Incubation of the eggs started on May 24th. There are two types of eggs in the hatch, the brown eggs are from commercial broiler hens and the white eggs are from egg layer hens. Both should hatch on June 14th as the incubation period for chickens is 21 days.
The incubator maintains a steady temperature of 37.5 degrees C. The humidity inside the incubator is held at 60% relative humidity. The eggs sit on the turning grid, which rolls them over once per hour from the start of incubation until day 18. Then the grid is removed and the chicks get ready for hatching day on day 21.
Check back here on Weds mornings between 11:00 – 11:30am ADT, when we will have guests with lots of information on incubation and chick development, poultry farming in Nova Scotia, and poultry research. Every other weekday at that time, the camera will pan around to give you a view of what else is going on in the Settle livestock barn.