Feed the Farm; Enrich the Community
Our seasonal fundraising campaign to care for our animals needs your help! The animal program costs approximately $5000 per season in direct costs for feed, bedding, supplies and transportation, and the Farm receives no direct support toward this. We must raise it in order to keep it going. Please visit our Fundrazr page to learn more about specific costs and to give.
With the passing of four decades, the role of the Farm Museum has come into sharp focus. Many urban residents know little of farming today and popular food culture has little to do with the family farm. We believe in the importance of keeping farm animals in the public eye so that we may know and value them. We promote optimum quality of life, building awareness of the natural behaviors and personalities of these animals. This is made possible by access to fresh air and adequate space, play and stimulation, comfortable quarters, optimum nutrition and the company of their own kind.
Funds raised through this campaign enable us to continue to build this awareness. All proceeds directly support our animal program and invest in its betterment. The Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Museum is largely self-funded and relies heavily on community support, volunteers, donations, fundraising and special event revenues.